Something describing interesting day-to-day events. Not completely exciting.

Monday, November 28, 2005

I hate being sick(?)

Today I'm home from school because I'm sick. I've been sick for almost the whole Thanksgiving break. It started last Thursday, where I got a fever of 101.4. On Friday, I was taken to the doctor and got my throat cultured. The results weren't positive, and they weren't negative either. The doctor put me on antibiotics. On Saturday, I slept and watched T.V. all day. On Sunday, I developed a small dry cough. Today, I am so stuffed up, my cough has developed, and I'm am sneezing. I think the sneezing is not from the sickness, but just from being out of fresh air for so long. Oh, well, I should recover soon (I hope).

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Project world

Some people call me lazy. Others could call a last-minuter. For me, I call myself person without a time stopper. The last few weekends, I have had to rush to finish a project or two. I know I should work on them when I get them, but I have to wait. My other project is stuff coming up unexpectently. When we went to see Phil Keaggy a few weeks ago, I had been planning to do my project that night. So instead, I wasted the weekend finishing it. Man, I need to get me one of those time stoppers, and quick!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Strange Facts from Siena: 1st quarter

These are some interesting facts from the first quarter at Siena, have fun reading!
  • For French, I have to walk all the way across school to the cafeteria.
  • After French, I either have SS in 103, all the way back across school, or Science in 106, all the way down the long hallway.
  • Our French teacher is a veteran.
  • Our French teacher has only been to France once, doesn't have an accent, but has a French name.
  • Our religion teacher's husband works at McQuaid.
  • My ELA teacher taught Elizabeth and Matthew.
  • She also loves to give pop tests (or quizzes, she calls them the same thing).
  • My Social Studies teacher looks really old.
  • During a lockdown drill, my Social Studies teacher took her time in locking the door, then had us continue doing what we were doing, even though we were the nearest classroom to the main door.
  • Our science teacher likes doing hands on stuff, and tells us that the 8th graders are slobs.
  • Our science teacher used to work in Florida at Epcot, in a school tour division, and on no school days, she could work(?) in a Lego display.
  • Our Math teacher is a man, and likes to teach using notes, and games.
  • On Halloween, he had a sheet on the overhead that said, "Happy Halloween" spelled wrong on it.
  • To review for a test, he had us play connect four.
  • Hot lunches are sometimes prepared right in school.
  • Our gym teacher was on crutches Thursday.
  • She has us run around the gym several times during class, more if we talk while she is talking.
  • Our Computer teacher almost never smiles, and never yells.
  • Our music teacher sings, but not very well in my opinion.
  • Our art teacher has a good sense of humor, when the pencil sharpener was broken she said, "Someone get ready to run to the office if I get electrocuted. I'm going to operate."
  • Our principal has a good sense of humor, but is very strict.
  • My morning bus driver is very mean but has a good sense of humor (Who else would say "Stop yelling, that's my job." or "Stop yelling or I'll tie you to the front bumper.").
  • My afternoon bus driver (after everyone else has gotten off) likes to talk to me about Judo moves.
  • Between classes we have three minutes to move to another class.
  • To tell when we're in between classes, music is on the intercom.
  • The music is classical (it drives everyone crazy)
Well, that's the first quarter weirds. There will probably be more weirds next quarter.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

TV Shows (Monk)

Yesterday, Mom got out disc 2 of season 1 of Monk. So last night I watched, Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival. It was interesting. It showed the crime being committed, then shows all the drama of the person who "did" the crime go to jail. Later, because Monk is obsessive compulsive, he solves the crime while cleaning his partners house. Then has to answer a question from his partner about something he did earlier in the episode to get his shoe back. Obsessive compulsiveness, it must be bad to have. At least I would hate it. Then again, if you saw my room, you might know why.