Baseball: The drama continues
Last night, 9th inning, two outs, two strikes, one strike away from going to the world series. The Astros blew it. The guy singled, the next guy walked, and (fill in your best sigh here) as what always happens in these spots, Albert Pujols hit a 3-run, game winning home run. The series is now 3-2 Astros. Tonight, travel night. Tomorrow is the biggest game of the season for both teams. Mark Mulder is on the mound for the Cardinals, Roy Oswalt is on the mound for the Astros. Astros win, world series. The Cardinals win, game 7. GO ASTROS!!
Such suspense! I'm excited for you.
7:19 AM, October 19, 2005
Too bad bedtime always comes before the end of the game. The excitement is a lot less when you have to read the results in the morning paper.
7:35 AM, October 19, 2005
Yeah, oh well.
3:38 PM, October 20, 2005
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