Something describing interesting day-to-day events. Not completely exciting.

Friday, July 17, 2009

A clean Slate

For those of you who still have this in your reader: you're amazing thinking I could actually restart this thing. However, I've gone through all my options with this, and I really miss blogging (now if only I could consistently come up with topics to post about) so I've decided to start with a completely clean slate.

I introduce to you: The Nameless Blog


I ask you to give me forgiveness for forgetting about this and allow you to give me a second chance, because this time will be better (or I give you total permission to poke the heck out of me).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Intersting quotes from McQuaid

Well, I'm hoping to get back into this blogging business, but I shall be slow. McQuaid is very different from Siena. For one thing, everyone seems to be huge. And some of the things you hear are very interesting.

For example: It's the end of the day, I'm in biology, and the announcements have just started. One of the sophomore football players (who was dressed down) rolled up his pant legs up as far as they could go. The teacher spots him, and says:

"Chin! Pull down your pants!"

Oopsy. I'm presuming that he meant to say pant legs, and it came out wrong. This is one of many odd things that I could reveal, but not right now. It's too late, I stayed up way too late yesterday trying to finish a project, and am really tired. Insane.

In other news: I'm being much more active on Word Sense (Thanks Ms. M and others!). Don't forget to comment there. Action scenes: 3, death count: 7. Current word count: 4333. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wow, it's been a month already?

Man, does time fly!

I haven't blogged in over a month.

Anyway, school, a type of prison for children. 8th grade- a hard part to pass of this prison.
It's been an eighth of the school year, and I've found out that the teachers are almost the same as last year. My schedule is alot better than last year, and the one teacher I wanted to replace was replaced. Not bad. One of the downsides was that Mrs. I(abbr. science) already got in a car accident and now has a cast on her wrist. Other than that, school's been fun, and I've found a new liking: Role-playing.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

End of summer haircut

Well, school started today, which means, yesterday, I had to shave off my haircut, and boy, what a haircut it was. Take a look.
This is my hair, notice the fact that in the next pic, it's halfway buzzed already.This is the hair from my mohawk.
This is me, haircut finished. As I look at it now, it's too short, but, it'll grow quickly.Yeah, and tommorow, I'll post about school. Yeah, school, woohoo.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back home

This past weekend, we took a trip south. Well, south being a relative term. We headed south, but stopped after a few hours in Reading PA. We traveled down on Friday, and on Saturday, we went to Longwood Gardens. It was very pretty, and I learned a lot. During lunch, we went to Delaware, a few miles south of the gardens. After Longwood, we went back to Reading, and on Sunday, helped my sister move into collage. After that, we traveled north to Syracuse, and went to the state fair. Then we travelled back home. And in all that, despite being threatening for most of the weekend, it didn't rain too much.

Not a bad trip after all.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Summer Reading, for school

This year's summer reading that I had to do for school was a little different. Instead of giving you a list and saying to read 3 of these books, you had to read 3 set books. And the books are as follows:

The Bar Code Tattoo
Ashes of Roses

The main character in all three are girls, and they're not my style of book. Normally, I've no problem with reading, but when it's about girls, I'm a little lax. And the lax part explains why I still haven't read all three. Oh well, I might get to it.

Okay, so I will, but it won't be pretty.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

lack of urge

I've been a bit lax on the posting this summer. I want to apologize for that. I know that things should just pop into my head, but they don't. So, here you go: Word Sense Chapter 1-2 . Here's my creativity.